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Select Farm & Prairie News from across the Midwest . . . .

2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017

December 2020

2020.12.30. Smitten, Kristina, and Jason Husveth. Country Messenger. Saving the One Percent.

2020.12.30. Gressner, John. Hometown News. Turf-to-Prairie Park Project Only the Beginning.

2020.12.26. Stanley, Greg. Star Tribune. As Fertilizers Spread Worldwide, Researchers Find Herbivores Can't Keep Up With Excess Grasses.

2020.12.26. Prairie Botanist. Some Basic Guidelines for Tallgrass Prairie (and Pollinator Habitat) Seed Mixes.

2020.12.24. Timmons, BobStar Tribune. Discovered Butterfly Tag in Mexico Represents Monarchs' Tale of Survival.

2020.12.21. Gunderson, DanMPR News. Researchers Find Insecticides Widespread in Minnesota Lakes and Rivers.

2020.12.21. Gill, ChuckPenn State News. Study: Bumble Bees Lacking High-Quality Habitat Have Higher Pathogen Loads.

2020.12.18. Cole, CalebOutdoor Command. Learning How to Fish: A Handbook.

2020.12.17. Manos, JaridFort Worth Star-Telegram. Fort Worth Is Losing Its Natural Prairie Land. Here's How We Can Protect It.

2020.12.17. Lewis, ShannaKRCC. Wild Bison Return to Colorado's Great Plains.

2020.12.17. Flood, Restoring Wetlands Near Farms Would Dramatically Reduce Water Pollution.

2020.12.16. Abbott, ChuckSuccessful Farming. Farmland Values Rise Despite Turbulent Year.

2020.12.15. Natural Resources Conservation Service - North DakotaAberdeen News. Co-op Sparks Interest in Fire to Improve North Dakota Grasslands for Cattle, Wildlife.

2020.12.15. Flesher, JohnAP News. Feds to Delay Seeking Legal Protection for Monarch Butterfly.

2020.12.14. Mosley, TonyaHere & Now. Ranchers Push Back on American Prairie Reserve in Montana.

2020.12.12. Reinan, JohnStar Tribune. Retired Professor Fights to Keep His North Mankato Yard Natural.

2020.12.8. Marinelli, JanetYale Environment 360. How Non-Native Plants Are Contributing to a Global Insect Decline.

2020.12.7. Lindrud, ShelbyWest Central Tribune. Kandiyohi County to Offer the Monarch Butterfly a Safe Haven.

2020.12.7. Hollow, Michele CThe New York Times. How You Can Help Count and Conserve Native Bees.

2020.12.6. Wyant, SaraAgWeek. A Closer Look at QEIP - One of NRCS's Most Popular Conservation Programs.

2020.12.6. Cherveny, TomDL Online. In a Land of Many Lakes, a Rare and Unique Resource Now Protected.

2020.12.5. O'Mara, Collin, Howard K. Vincent, Rebecca A. Humphries, Jeff Crane, and Whit FosburghThe Hill. America's Dwindling Grasslands Require Action.

2020.12.5. Hong, AngieCountry Messenger. To Bison or to Monet?

2020.12.4. Plume, Karl, and Rod NickelReuters. North American Farmers Profit as Consumers Pressure Food Business to Go Green.

2020.12.2. Buckrail. Conservationists Blast Forest Service Prairie Dog Eradication Plan on Thunder Basin National Grassland.

2020.12.1. Whalen, EmmaCommunity Impact. Mayor Sylvester Turner Announces Initiative to Restore Urban Prairie, Ease Flooding.

2020.12.1. Schley, TimPenn State News. Researchers Aim to 'Upcycle' Nutrient Waste on Farms Using Duckweed.

November 2020

2020.11.25. Washington University St. LouisScience Daily. In Fire-Prone West, Plants Need Their Pollinators - and Vice Versa.

2020.11.24. Watts, JonathanThe Guardian. 1% of Farms Operate 70% of World's Farmland.

2020.11.23. Timmons, BobStar Tribune. Landmark Book From 1995 by Pioneering Minnesota Conservationist Gets Update.

2020.11.20. Kuphal, KylePipestone County Star. SWCD to Begin New Program to Improve Water Quality in Local Creeks.

2020.11.20. Corbley, AndyGood News Network. With 14,000 Critical Acres Added to Montana Wildlife Reserve, It May Become the Largest in the Lower 48.

2020.11.16. Helzer, Chris. The Prairie Ecologist. A Beginner's Guide to Conservation Grazing - Part 2.

2020.11.14. Lindrud, ShelbyWest Central Tribune. Saving the Monarch in Kandiyohi County.

2020.11.14. Cherveny, TomWest Central Tribune. Protecting a Wild Landscape Close to Home.

2020.11.7. Cherveny, TomWest Central Tribune. Renville County Approves Limbo Creek Project Over DNR Opposition.

2020.11.4. Myers, JessDuluth News Tribune. Tallgrass Prairie Region Provides a Minnesota Hiking Alternative.

2020.11.2. Helzer, ChrisThe Prairie Ecologist. A Beginner's Guide to Conservation Grazing - Part 1.

October 2020

2020.10.29. Randall, BriannaAudubon Magazine. Another Consequence of Suppressing Wildfire: Trees Are Invading the Prairie.

2020.10.29. Kordbacheh, Farnaz, Matt Liebman, and Mary HarrisPLOS One. Strips of Prairie Vegetation Placed Within Row Crops Can Sustain Native Bee Communities.

2020.10.29. Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro, Claire Kremen, Erle C. Ellis, and Sandra DiazThe Conversation. To Save Threatened Plants and Animals, Restore Habitat on Farms, Ranches, and Other Working Lands.

2020.10.28. Hastings, SeanShaw Media. New Lenox Woman Presents Findings on Snakes' Role in Prairie Restoration.

2020.10.27. Kezar, MitchSuccessful Farming. The Economic Value of Rotational Grazing.

2020.10.23. Greene, MorganChicago Tribune. Illinois Launches Statewide Plan to Boost Monarch Butterfly Population.

2020.10.23. Crable, AdBay Journal. Use of Switchgrass Growing in Popularity for Ag Conservation.

2020.10.22. Abbott, ChuckSuccessful Farming. Conservation Reserve Shrinks to Smallest Size Since 1988.

2020.10.21. The Times Weekly. Bats Restore the Prairie at Midewin.

2020.10.19. Gabrielsen, Paul. On Pasture. Is a Second Dust Bowl on Its Way?

2020.10.15. Moen, Mike. Public News Service. Pilot Project Aims to Boost Conservation on MN Farms.

2020.10.15. Kim, Dee. Civil Eats. Can the Climate-Friendly Grain Kernza Finally Hit the Big Time?

2020.10.6. Gunderson, Dan. MPR News. In Western Minnesota Water Dispute, It's Elite Hogs vs. Rare Fen.

September 2020

2020.9.28. Drobney, Pauline, Diane L. Larson, Jennifer L. Larson, and Karen Viste-SparkmanNatural Areas Journal. Toward Improving Pollinator Habitat: Reconstructing Prairies With High Forb Diversity.

2020.9.25. Beef Central. Cargill, McDonald's, and Walmart Join WWF in US Sustainability Initiative.

2020.9.19. Drew, MicahFlathead Beacon. Glacier Hosts Virtual Science and History Week.

2020.9.19. Ostmeyer, AndyThe Joplin Globe. Status of American Burying Beetle Changed to Threatened.

2020.9.17Kansas News Service. Kansas Public Radio. Subsidies Encourage Kansas Ranchers to Make Room for the Lesser Prairie Chicken.

2020.9.17. Hacker, John. The Joplin Globe. Student Working to Restore Old Swamp Trail on MSSU Campus.

2020.9.17. Adams, Barry. The Herald-Independent. Reading While You Walk the Prairie at the Heritage Center.

2020.9.17. Lone Tree Farm. Conservation Crowdsourced.

2020.9.16. Leigh Painter, Kristen. Star Tribune. Cargill Joins Regenerative Agriculture Movement, Sets Goal for 10 Million Acres.

2020.9.15. Schneider, Andrew. KNIA-KRLS. Friends of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge Earn Recognition.

2020.9.15. Daily Southtown Staff. Chicago Tribune. Local Volunteers Win National USDA Forest Service Award.

2020.9.11. Sorvino, Chloe. Forbes. Can Loans Tied to Soil Health Save Agriculture? A New $250 Million Fund Wants to Find Out.

2020.9.11. Buckley, Madeline. Chicago Tribune. Rare Flowers Are Sprouting in Cook County's Forest Preserves: 'It Was Like a Dead Zone and Now It's Come Alive'.

2020.9.10. University of Tsukuba. Old Grasslands Show High Biodiversity and Conservation Value.

2020.9.8. Stanley, Greg. Star Tribune. Are Bison the Key to Bringing Back Minnesota Prairies?

2020.9.8. Staff Report. Pahrump Valley Times. Hunting, Fishing Expanded at Wildlife Refuges, Hatcheries.

2020.9.8. Illinois Patch. On National Wildlife Day, ComEd Hosts Honeybees in New Hive Program.

2020.9.5. Pankau, Ryan. The News-Gazette. In the Garden: Defining 'Native'.

2020.9.5. Gaul, Alma. Quad-City Times. Buzzing With Life: 'Incredible' Natural Habitat Restored on Scott County Farm.

2020.9.4. Dahlhoff, Tory. WGLT. Wildlife Photographer Thomas Mangelsen Says 'Spirit of Conservation' Drives Him.

2020.9.4. Schremp, Valerie. St. Louis Post-DIspatch. 'If You Build It, They Will Come': Work at O'Fallon Park in No. St. Louis to Help Flora, Fauna and People.

2020.9.2. Mizejewski, David, and David Weber. National Wildlife Federation. What You Need to Know Before Spraying for Mosquitoes.

2020.9.2. Langford, Katie. Daily Camera. Boulder City Council Approves Lethal Prairie Dog Mitigation in 8-1 Vote.

2020.9.2. Frey, David. The Wildlife Society. Ross Hier Receives 'Ding' Darling Memorial Award.

2020.9.2. Abbott, Chuck. Successful Farming. Farm Income to Hit 7-Year High, Thanks to Record-Setting Federal Aid.

2020.9.1. Hatfield, Rich, and Sarina Jepsen. Xerces Society. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Fails to Designate Critical Habitat for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee.

2020.9.1. Crosby, Bruce. McCook Gazette. Prairie Arboretum Ready to Serve as Outdoor Classroom.

August 2020

2020.8.31. Mugge, PaulThe Gazette. Help Is Available for Iowa Farmers Doing Prairie Restoration.

2020.8.31. Martin, Mackenzie. Net NebraskaA Kansas Suburb Is Planting a Prairie, But It May Take Decades for It to Pass as Native.

2020.8.30. McFeely, MikeInForum. Partnership Gives Prairie Chickens 'a Fighting Chance' in Minnesota.

2020.8.27. Yang, HannahDuluth News Tribune. Supporters Worry Mining Company's Bankruptcy Filing Could Leave Fate of Minnesota Prairie Undecided.

2020.8.27. Howard, ChrisKVRR. Vector Control Addresses Monarch Butterfly Deaths After Mosquito Spraying.

2020.8.27. Garner, Brynn, and Jerry ReinischArcGIS. Skipping Towards Recovery: Release of 270 Dakota Skippers in North Dakota.

2020.8.27. Branch, RhiannonBrownfield. Genome List Published to Create Solutions for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds.

2020.8.27. Bjorhus, JenniferStar Tribune. State Urges Minnesota Farmers to Plant More Vegetative Cover to Fight Nitrate Contamination.

2020.8.25. C., HannahThe Science Times. Biofuels Made From Common Grass Could Replace Fossil Fuels.

2020.8.24. Olsen, ChaseGlobe Gazette. Live Monarch Butterflies Create Unique Display at Lime Creek Nature Center.

2020.8.22. Gaul, AlmaQuad City Times. Illiniwek Plantings Attract Rare Bee.

2020.8.19. Gahan, Mary BethThe Washington Post. Storing Carbon in the Prairie Grass.

2020.8.19. Curry, LynneThe Guardian. Is the Way Cattle Are Grazed the Key to Saving America's Prairies.

2020.8.18. DeForest Times-Tribune. County to Buy Land to Protect Area Where Sugar River, Badger Mill Creek Meet.

2020.8.15. Myers, JohnDuluth News Tribune. In Farthest Corner of the State, Blue Mounds State Park Offers Prairie Remnants.

2020.8.14. Hansel, BrianFergus Falls Journal. Start the Adventure: New Prairie Wetlands Learning Center Director has 'Adaptable' Qualities.

2020.8.13. Seitz, GregSt. Croix 360. Prairie Protectors Ask for Help Keeping Blueberry Hill in Public Hands.

2020.8.12. Saldivia, GabrielaNPR. Eagles and Mockingbirds Catch a Break as Judge Strikes Down Trump Bird Opinion.

2020.8.11. Pennisi, ElizabethScience Magazine. Don't Crush That And -- It Could Plant a Wildflower.

2020.8.11. Larson, Diane L., Daniel L. Hernandez, Jennifer L. Larson, Julia B. Leone, and Nora PennarolaEcosphere. Management of Remnant Tallgrass Prairie by Grazing or Fire: Effects on Plant Communities and Soil Properties.

2020.8.10. Mendenhall, MattBirdWatching Daily. Grassland Bird Decline Tied to Neonicotinoids.

2020.8.10. Bauman, Pete, and Kyle KelseySouth Dakota State University. Dense Seeding Can Reduce Canada Thistle in Planted Grasslands.

2020.8.7. Audobon County Advocate Journal. Remnant Prairie Is the Jewel of Blackmun Prairie.

2020.8.6. Temin, Tom. Federal News Network. What the Great American Outdoors Act Can Do.

2020.8.5. Temin, Tom. World Wildlife Fund. 2.1 Million Acres of Grassland Habitat Lost in North American Great Plains in One Year.

July 2020

2020.7.31. Wood, StephanieThe Narwhal. Meet the People Saving Canada's Native Grasslands.

2020.7.31. Timmons, BobStar Tribune. Crow-Hassan's Prairie Is a Mosaic of Wild Things and Built to Last.

2020.7.30. Kobilinsky, DanaThe Wildlife Society. Monarchs Prefer Pesticide-Free Milkweed.

2020.7.30. Charles, Dan. NPR. Big-Money Investors Gear up for a Trillion-Dollar Bet on Farmland.

2020.7.29. Miller, Pamela. Star Tribune. Frontenac State Park Grows in Acreage and Beauty.

2020.7.28. KIWA Radio. Dewey's Pasture Wildlife Complex Is a Bucket List Destination.

2020.7.27. Spencer Daily Reporter. Simply Put, Cayler Prairie Has It All.

2020.7.25. Johnson, Andrea. Minnesota Farm Guide. MN Dept. of Ag Registers Most Dicamba Complaints Since 2017.

2020.7.24. Beilfuss, Rich. Wisconsin State Farmer. Let's Help Farmers Save Our Cranes and Wetlands.

2020.7.22. Benage, Megan. Sustainable Farming Association. Beyond Your Backyard: A Place to Be Broken.

2020.7.21. Dunning, Hayley. More Flowers and Pollinator Diversity Could Help Protect Bees From Parasites.

2020.7.20. Gibson, Shane. Global News. Assiniboine Park Zoo Breeds and Releases 'Critically Endangered' Butterflies.

2020.7.20. Anderson, Dennis. Star Tribune. Grass Buffers Have Proven Their Worth in Minnesota Farm Country.

2020.7.17. Jessen, Holly. The Fence Post. Prairie Dogs Difficult Issue for Ranchers, Others.

2020.7.16. Kraker, Dan. MPR News. Minnesota Researchers Track Trumpeter Swans to Study Migration, Habitat.

2020.7.16. KROX AM. Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge Restoring Water Quality for People and Wildlife.

2020.7.14. York University. About 94% of Wild Bee and Native Plant Species Networks Lost, Study Finds.

2020.7.14. Missouri Department of Conservation. EIN News. MDC Announces Additions to Linscomb Wildlife Area in St. Clair County to Boost Native Grasslands.

2020.7.14. Charles, Dan. NPR. How Absentee Landowners Keep Farmers From Protecting Water and Soil.

2020.7.14. Bauman, Pete. South Dakota State University. Dung Beetles and Other Insects Can Help Break Down Dung and Control Pests.

2020.7.13. Beneke, Kendra. KVRR. Microsoft and Audubon Dakota Partnering to Advance the Urban Woods & Prairies Initiative.

2020.7.13. Adams, Barry. Wisconsin State Journal. A Return to the Past With Oak Savannas in Dane County Parks.

2020.7.11. Mankato Free Press. Our View: Prairie Restoration a Noble Cause.

2020.7.10Wetli, Patty. WTTW. Have You 'Herd?' It's National Bison Month. Here's Where they Roam, Close to Home.

2020.7.9Evans, Margaret. The Western Producer. Weather at Seeding Affects Prairie Restoration.

2020.7.8Jessop, Simon, and Matthew Green. Reuters. Does It Pay to Protect Nature? A New Study Weighs In.

2020.7.7Jordan, Mary. Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Northwest Arkansas Partners Work to Lift Native Seeds Supply.

2020.7.6Quinn, Russ. Progressive Farmer. SD Grazing Research Goes Natural.

2020.7.6WAND17. Decatur City Council Postpones Vote on Native Planting Areas.

2020.7.5Greenwood, Dan. Mankato Free Press. Restoring Native Prairie One Acre at a Time.

2020.7.4FOX 16 News. AGFC Announces Director of New Northwest Arkansas Nature Center.

2020.7.2InForum. Comments Sought on Draft Wetland Restoration Project in Fargo.

June 2020

2020.6.30. Roberts, ShelbeyMy Wabash Valley. Peoria's Wildlife Prairie Park Offers Endless Entertainment.

2020.6.28. McFeely, MikeInForum. Minnesota's Pine-to-Prairie Birding Trail Helped Set U.S. Trend in Outdoor Recreation.

2020.6.26. Bodin, MadelineDiscover Magazine. Deadly Animal Diseases Can Jump to Humans. Is Vaccinating Wildlife the Answer?

2020.6.24. Burger, Ludwig, and Tina BellonReuters. Bayer to Pay Up to $10.9 Billion to Settle Bulk of Roundup Weedkiller Cancer Lawsuits.

2020.6.23. Murray, JackChicago Tribune. Endangered Dragonfly Larvae from South Dakota Released into Lockport Prairie.

2020.6.23. Hegeman, RoxanaThe Wichita Eagle. Railroad Expansion Tears Up Tallgrass Prairie in the Flint Hills; Restoration Planned.

2020.6.22. Vlasak, MichelleOwatanna People's Press. Steele County's Minnesota Pheasants Inc. Implements Clean Water Legacy Projects.

2020.6.17. Practical Farmers of Iowa. Economic and Soil Health Impact of Grazing Cover Crops, 2018-2019.

2020.6.11. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Soil Health Gap - A Concept to Establish a Benchmark for Soil Health Management.

2020.6.10. The Examiner. MDC Announces Addition to Wah'Kon-Tah Prairie Conservation Area.

2020.6.9. Benage, Megan. Sustainable Farming Association. Beyond Your Backyard: Diversity and Connection.

2020.6.8. University of Nevada-Reno. Milkweed, Only Food Source for Monarch Caterpillars, Ubiquitously Contaminated.

2020.6.8. Belz, Adam. Star Tribune. Minnesota Soybean Farmers May Use Dicamba Despite Court Ruling.

2020.6.6. Carpenter, Tim. Leavenworth Times. Audit Reveals Abuse in Program to Help Lesser Prairie Chicken, Industry Coexist.

2020.6.5. Brudvig, Lars. Rain Plays a Surprising Role in Making Some Restored Prairies Healthier Than Others.

2020.6.3. Golightly, Anna. Winterset Madisonian. Soil & Water Conservation: Celebrating Prairie Today and in the Future.

2020.6.3. Audubon County Advocate Journal. Lost Grove Wildlife Area Is Living Up to High Expectations.

2020.6.2. Williams, Jim. Star Tribune. Birds Wield 'Superpowers'.

May 2020

2020.5.31. The Joplin Globe. The 5 Q's: Carol Davit outlines Significance of National Prairie Day in June.

2020.5.27. Ingraham, Christopher. The Washington Post. 'Murder Hornet' Panic Driving a Surge in Insecticide Interest -- and Fears for Bees.

2020.5.26. MN Board of Water and Soil Resources. Medium. Becker County Family Sees Cover Crops as a Means to Expand Cattle Operation.

2020.5.25. Williams, Ted. Slate. Planting Trees Won't Stop Climate Change.

2020.5.22. St. Croix 360. Watch: Bison Are Back at Belwin.

2020.5.21. Mueller, Ray. Wisconsin State Farmer. Seed Collecting Projects Nourish Rare Plant Restorations.

2020.5.21. Daley, Jim. Scientific American. Bumblebees Bite Plants to Force Them to Flower (Seriously).

2020.5.20. Outdoor News. NRCS Prescribed Burns Revive Habitat.

2020.5.19. Brown, Jennifer. Colorado Sun. The Squawking, Stomping Chicken of the Grasslands Is Back in Colorado.

2020.5.18. Schneck, MarcusPennLive Patriot-News. National Gardening Survey Finds Boom in Planting for Pollinators.

2020.5.15. Roach, MargaretThe New York Times. How (and Why) to Use Native Plants.

2020.5.14. Sexton, Aaron N., and Sarah M. EmeryJournal of Insect Conservation. Grassland Restorations Improve Pollinator Communities.

2020.5.13. Oren Smith, ZacharyIowa City Press-Citizen. Iowa City Cuts Third From Prairie Planting to Appease Residents.

2020.5.11. Wahpeton Daily News. Landowners, Leveraged Funds, Partners Key to $10 Million Whiskey Creek Restoration.

2020.5.10. CBS Denver. Arsenal Bison Among Those in Planned Transfers to National Park, Indian Reservation.

2020.5.8. Simpson, Amie. Brownfield. Farm Bankruptcies Are Up.

2020.5.5. OSU Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The Ada News. Fire, Mixed-Species Grazing Enhance Livestock Production in Research Project.

2020.5.5. Hytrek, Nick. Sioux City Journal. Siouxland Birders on Watch for Loss of Birds.

2020.5.5. Hill, Nina. Cool Green Science. Seeds of Change: Ensuring the Future for Healthy Prairies.

2020.5.4. Lindrud, Shelby. West Central Tribune. Grass Lake Project Finally Nearing the End.

2020.5.4. Kelley, Peter. University of Washington News. John Marzluff Explores How Farming, Food Production and Wildlife Can Coexist in New Book 'In Search of Meadowlarks'.

2020.5.1. Berger, Joel, and Jon Beckmann. Mountain Journal. America's Big Open Was Anything But Lonely or Empty.

April 2020

2020.4.30. Independent Media InstituteEcoWatch. Planting Projects, Backyard Habitats Can Re-Create Livable Natural Spaces.

2020.4.28. Flesher, JohnABC News. Battered by Floods, U.S. River Communities Try New Remedies.

2020.4.27. Williams, ElizabethProgressive Farmer. Farmland Values Still Healthy.

2020.4.27. Machemer, TheresaSmithsonian Magazine. New Study Gives a More Complex Picture of Insect Declines.

2020.4.24. Buckley, MadelineChicago Tribune. An Unexpected Ripple Effect of COVID-19: Important Work to Restore Parts of Cook County Forest Preserves Is Put on Hold.

2020.4.24. Northwest Herald. Good News: Spring Bloom at Dixie Briggs Fromm Nature Preserve.

2020.4.22. Holtmeyer, DanSW News Media. Rethinking Our Footprint: Local Residents, Groups Strive to Balance Society and Environment.

2020.4.22. Crann, Tom, and Megan BurksMPR News. DNR Wrapping Up Minnesota's First Biological 'Census'.

2020.4.22. Abrahamson, WarrenNews Dakota. New Opportunity: Prairie Pothole Water Quality and Wildlife Program.

2020.4.20. Voth, KathyOn Pasture. Patch Burning Means Fewer Fences, Better Grazing Management and Improved Wildlife Habitat.

2020.4.20. Oren Smith, ZacharyIowa City Press-Citizen. Prairie Restoration Accelerated, Radon Requirements Delayed: Iowa City Council Meets Tuesday.

2020.4.18. Waterways Journal Weekly. Corps Begins McGregor Lake Habitat Project.

2020.4.16. Larson, Chris. AM 1100 The Flag. USDA Announces Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership Project Selection in ND.

2020.4.14. Hellinga, Justin. KIWA Radio. Iowans Can Do Their Part in Helping the Monarch Habitat Grow.

2020.4.13. Bjorhus, Jennifer and Greg StanleyStar Tribune. 'Hole in the Data': Coronavirus Fight Puts Environmental Fieldwork on Hold.

2020.4.9. Cabell, SondraNE Iowa. Take Safe Social Distance Trail Walks.

2020.4.7. Thiele, RebeccaIndiana Public Media. Farmers Who Rent Less Likely to Do Practices That Improve Soil, Water.

2020.4.6. MSU Today. MSU Scientists Discover Legacy of Past Weather Inscribed in Stories of Prairie Plant Restoration.

2020.4.1. Stabach, Jared. Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute. Fantastic Beasts of the Great Plains.

March 2020

2020.3.31. Crosby, CindyTuesdays in the Tallgrass. The Prairie Whispers "Courage".

2020.3.26. USDA. USDA Announces More Than 3.4 Million Acres Selected for General Sign-up Conservation Reserve Program.

2020.3.26. Mayer, MelissaEntomology Today. Deep Tracks Only: Radio Telemetry Blazes a Path for Monarch Habitat Restoration.

2020.3.24. University of SydneyEnvironmental News Network. First Map Shows Global Hotspots of Glyphosate Contamination.

2020.3.24. University of Minnesota ExtensionNo-Till Farmer. The Connection Between Soil Organic Matter and Soil Water.

2020.3.24. Royce, EmyRavalli Republic. The Surprising Benefits of Flash-Grazing.

2020.3.24. Kitchen, RubyYorkshire Post. Plants Can Share Nutrients, Yorkshire Scientists Discover in New Grassland Study.

2020.3.23. Peterson, BrianStar Tribune. A Happy Sight: Minnesota Flowers in Bloom.

2020.3.21. Herald Staff Reports. Grand Forks Herald. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Allocates Federal Conservation Funds, Grant Funds Audubon Dakota Grazing Habitat Program Etc.

2020.3.17. Penn StateScience Daily. Pesticide Seed Coatings Are Widespread but Underreported.

2020.3.17. Dokken, Brad. InForum. Nature Can Be a Source of Comfort During Uncertain Times.

2020.3.14. Austin Daily Herald. Cropland to Be Restored to Support Future Trout Stream.

2020.3.13. Monarch Joint Venture. Eastern Monarch Population Numbers Decrease 53% From Last Year.

2020.3.11Stanley, Greg. Star Tribune. Minnesota Protects 200 Acres of Rare Prairies, Old-Growth Forests in Red Wing.

2020.3.11Lounsberry, Sam. Daily Camera. Boulder Open Space Leaders, Farmers, Wildlife Advocates Tussle Over Prairie Dog Plans.

2020.3.11American Ornithological Society. Is Intensive Agriculture Reducing Mourning Dove Reproduction in the Eastern U.S.?

2020.3.10Streeter, Ben. PEW. Bee Lawns Generate National Buzz.

2020.3.10Stanley, Greg. Star Tribune. Thousands of Homeowners Apply for Minnesota Funding to Turn Lawns Into Bee-Friendly Habitats.

2020.3.10. Martin, Amy. North Texas e-News. Rare Native Prairie Near Texarkana Preserved by Family, Conservation Groups.

2020.3.10. Cherveny, Tom. West Central Tribune. Lac Qui Parle County Land Dispute May Be Settled Soon.

2020.3.9Hubbuch, Chris. Wisconsin State Journal. Protecting the Prairie: UW Arboretum Begins Final Phase of Decade-Long Stormwater Management.

2020.3.8Slayton, Margaret. News Press Now. Missouri Western Creates a Prairie on Campus.

2020.3.8Hernandez, Daisy. Popular Mechanics. This Plastic-Eating Caterpillar Could Be Key in Fighting an Environmental Menace.

2020.3.5USDA. The Fence Post. USDA to Open Signup March 16 for CRP Grasslands.

2020.3.4Ripley, Liz and Jacqueline Comito. Iowa State University. Ten-Year Study Shows Corn, Soybean Yields Not Affected by Cover Crops.

February 2020

2020.2.29. Stanley, GregStar Tribune. A Crisis Deeply Rooted: Complexity of Restoring Our Prairies Entangles Climate Change Fight.

2020.2.27. Quinn, Lauren. Illinois Aces. Illinois Study Shows Universally Positive Effect of Cover Crops on Soil Microbiome.

2020.2.21. Bullinger, JakeBitterroot. Montana's Grand Prairie Experiment.

2020.2.20. Kennedy, TonyStar Tribune. Fight Over Land Sale to DNR Moves to Court in Western Minnesota.

2020.2.18. Bennett, ChrisAg Web. Russell Hedrick Harvest Dollars in Yield vs. Profit Farm Battle.

2020.2.17. Hettinger, JohnathanCivil Eats. Jury Awards $265M in Damages in Dicamba Trial Against Monsanto, BASF.

2020.2.17. Carrington, DamianWired. A Car 'Splatometer' Study Finds Huge Insect Die-Off.

2020.2.12. Higgins, AdrianThe Washington Post. A Native Plant Guru's Radical Vision for the American Yard.

2020.2.11. Dumas, Carol RyanCapital Press. Diversity Has the Power to Regenerate Farmland.

2020.2.10. Knight, SamThe New Yorker. Can Farming Make Space for Nature?

2020.2.6. St. Clair, Adrienne Basey, Peter W. Dunwiddle, Jeremie B. Fant, Thomas N. Kaye, and Andrea T. Kramer. Restoration Ecology. Mixing Source Populations Increases Genetic Diversity of Restored Rare Plant Populations.

2020.2.6. Monarch Joint Venture. Conservation Grasslands Provide More Monarch Habitat Than Previously Thought.

2020.2.5. Burgdorfer, Bob. Farm Futures. A Champion for Healthy Soil.

2020.2.5. Biasotti, Tony. Morning Ag Clips. Virginia Tech Testing Bee-Friendly Forage for Cattle.

2020.2.3. University of Minnesota Extension. Minnesota Crop News. Phosphorus Fertilizer Application Only Needed Every Other Year in Corn-Soy Rotation.

2020.2.1. Soils Matter. Great American Prairies – The Most Endangered Ecosystem on Earth?

January 2020

2020.1.29. Blevins, Jason. Colorado Sun. Nearly Half of Americans Didn't Go Outside to Recreate in 2018. That Has the Outdoor Industry Worried.

2020.1.29. Practical Farms of Iowa. Cereal Rye Cover Crop for Reducing Herbicides in Soybeans, 2019.

2020.1.28. Bower, Alisha. Wallaces Farmer. New Oat, Wheat Markets Debut in Iowa.

2020.1.26. Prairie Sportsman. Pioneer PBS. Birds of the Prairie.

2020.1.24. Vollstedt, Megan. Successful Farming. The Power of Prairie: A Dynamic Native Resource Is Put to Work to Conserve the Land.

2020.1.23. Imbler, Sabrina. Atlas Obscura. How to Identify Wildflowers Without Bothering to Get Off the Highway.

2020.1.20. Lane, Jaxon. St. Croix 360. Looking for Long Lost Prairie Remnants in Afton State Park.

2020.1.20. Voth, KathyOn Pasture. Let's Watch Grass Grow!

2020.1.16. Kobilinsky, Dana. The Wildlife Society. Are Wildlifers' Values Changing?

2020.1.14. Rose, Jorgen. Practical Farmers. Using Prescribed Burning to Manage On-Farm Habitat.

2020.1.14. Leahy, Mike J., Steven Buback, and Calvin J. Maginel IIIBioOne. Twenty Years of Tallgrass Prairie Reconstruction and Restoration at Pawnee Prairie Natural Area, Missouri.

2020.1.14. Gibbons, KaitlinThe Miami County Republic. Weaving Strips of Prairie Into a Sustainable Solution.

2020.1.10. Begemann, SonjaAg Web. How to Prove the Value of Healthy Soil.

2020.1.9. Kraker, DanMPR News. No Child Left Inside: Small Grants for Getting Kids Outdoors in High Demand.

2020.1.5. Fergus, RachelGrand Forks Herald. Perennial Grain Kernza Taking Root in Minnesota.

2020.1.2. McGee, JamieAberdeen News. Solar Company Merges Energy Production with Sheep Grazing to Restore Soil, Biodiversity.

The Longspur Prairie Fund is dedicated to fostering the experiences, insights, and pleasures found in the native landscapes of the Red River Valley by way of advocacy, education, and conservation.

We respect farmers, hunters, business owners, their properties, and their communities. We protect native plants, animals, habitats, and their ecologies. We teach the wisdom of the prairie through the arts and sciences. ​

We restore native landscapes and preserve them for all time. 







The Longspur Prairie Fund (EIN 83-2452110) is a non-profit, tax-exempt charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.      

1217 Elm Street South, Moorhead, MN 56560 (c) 2008-2024 The Longspur Prairie Fund - Updated 15 April 2024

"Our profession is to always find God in nature."  - Henry David Thoreau                                                                                                                       

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