Select Farm & Prairie News from across the Midwest . . . .
November 2021
2021.11.24. Thompson, Dave. Prairie Public. Game and Fish Launches Project to Restore Prairie Grasses.
2021.11.24. Galatas, Eric. Big News Network. U.S. Plans to Kill Prairie Dogs in Thunder Basin National Grassland.
2021.11.23. Kiefer, Philip. Popular Science. The American West's Changing Climate Might Mean More Plague-Carrying Critters.
2021.11.22. Associated Press. U.S. News. Prairie Protectors Find Their Thrill Saving Blueberry Hill.
2021.11.22. The Trumball Times. North Dakota Outlines Plan to Restore Native Grasslands.
2021.11.20. Svihovec, Travis. Bismark Tribune. New Standing Rock Ferrets Should Help Control Prairie Dogs.
2021.11.19. Harmon, Tracy. The Pueblo Chieftan. Five Critically Endangered Black-Footed Ferrets Find a New Home on Pueblo West Ranch.
2021.11.19. Eskins, Julia. National Geographic. How the Return of Bison Connects Travelers With Native Cultures.
2021.11.18. Treisman, Rachel. NPR. The Winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Will Brighten Your Day.
2021.11.11. University of Wisconsin System. UW-Green Bay Restoration Project Will Provide Crucial Habitat for Pollinators, Birds, Bats and Other Wildlife.
2021.11.9. Gannon, Sarah. KTTC. Environmental Organization Collects Seeds to Help Threatened Turtle Species.
2021.11.8. Repanshek, Kurt. National Parks Traveler. National Park Service Wants to Change Oil Company's Restoration Goals at Big Cypress National Preserve.
2021.11.6. Pruitt-Young, Sharon. Prairie Public. Thousands Protest in Glasgow and Around the World for Action Against Climate Change.
2021.11.3. Wetli, Patty. WTTW. Prairies Are Making Headlines. But What Exactly Are They? Here's an Explainer.
2021.11.1. Perham Focus. Four Otter Tail County Wetland Areas Have Recently Been Improved.
October 2021
2021.10.31. Ryan, Benjamin. The New York Times. Keeping Cattle on the Move and Carbon in the Soil.
2021.10.30. Bowman, Dale. Chicago Sun Times. Bison Through the Chute to Their New Home: Young Bulls Arrive and Acclimate at Kankakee Sands.
2021.10.30. The Herald Review. Deal Halts Illinois Airport's Work That Threatens Prairie.
2021.10.29. Santibanez-Molina, Leslie. KTVO. Jefferson County Conservation Invites People to Learn About Prairies.
2021.10.27. Kranking, Carlyn. National Audubon Society. With Time Running Out, Environmentalists File Lawsuit to Save Illinois Prairie.
2021.10.26. Phillips, Noelle. The Denver Post. Prairie Dog Activists Want Arapahoe County to Move Colony Before Comcast Paves New Parking Lot.
2021.10.25. Helzer, Chris. The Prairie Ecologist. What Happens If We Lose?
2021.10.23. Mohr, Kylie. Wired. This Prairie Grassland Project Collects Native Seeds.
2021.10.23. Bjorhus, Jennifer. StarTribune. Conversion of Minnesota Grasslands to Crops Threatens Wildlife, Water, Climate.
2021.10.21. Timmons, Bob. StarTribune. Prairie Seeds Like You Haven't Seen Them.
2021.10.21. Keller, Blaise. WKOW. Seed the Need: Restoring 160 Acres North of Pheasant Branch.
2021.10.19. Yates, Diana. Phys.org. Study Reconstructs 232-Year History of Prairie Fire in Midwestern US.
2021.10.18. The Hermann Advertiser-Courier. A 'Burning' Desire to Save Quail and Pheasant Habitats at ECC.
2021.10.13. Mendenhall, Matt. Bird Watching Daily. John Oliver Shines Light on Federal Duck Stamp Contest.
2021.10.9. Kinzler, Don. Duluth News Tribune. North Dakota Man Turns Yard Into Picturesque Prairie.
2021.10.8. Callaghan, Peter. MinnPost. 'Native Landscape' Bill Would Make Minnesota Cities More Pollinator Friendly, One Lawn at a Time.
2021.10.7. Grivas, Erica. Madison Park Times. How to Go Wild Without Getting Sued.
2021.10.7. Gerlach, Julia. No-Till Farmer. Why No-Till Benefits Birds With Kelly VanBeek.
2021.10.6. Lofton, Justine. Michigan Live. Northern Michigan Artist Launches Unique Jewelry Line to Help Insects.
2021.10.5. Earthjustice. How We Helped Bison Make a Huge Comeback.
2021.10.4. Goodrich, Kristine. The Mankato Free Press. Court Overturns North Mankato's Nuisance Declaration.
2021.10.1. Mohr, Kylie. High Country News. Collecting Seeds to Restore Prairie Grasslands.
September 2021
2021.9.30. Spiegel, Bill. Successful Farming. Survey: Iowa Farmland Values Up 18.8% Since March.
2021.9.29. BBC News. U.S. Declares 23 Bird, Fish and Other Species Extinct.
2021.9.28. Dorenkamp, Mark. Brownfield Ag News. Minnesota Farmer Says Soil Health Practices Helped Buffer Crops From Drought.
2021.9.23. Bulman, LeeAnne. Agri-View. Excitement Generated for Regenerative Ag.
2021.9.18. Spitznagel, Eric. New York Post. Why the Honey Bee 'Apocalypse' Is Based on a Lie.
2021.9.17. Popkin, Gabriel. National Geographic. How Can the Most Endangered Ecosystem in the World Be Saved?
2021.9.8. Pinson, Jerald. Florida Museum. Who Observes the Observers? Scientists Conduct Large-Scale Study of iNaturalist Users.
2021.9.8. Marema, Tim. The Daily Yonder. Nearly 80% of Rural Farming-Dependent Counties Lost Population in Last Decade.
August 2021
2021.8.27. Wyant, Sara. AgWeek. Can USDA Reverse the Trend on the Conservation Reserve Program?
2021.8.25. Wallevand, Kevin. InForum. Bean Field Collapses and Falls 25 Feed in Rural Polk County.
2021.8.25. Roach, Margaret. The New York Times. Echinacea Isn't Itself Anymore.
2021.8.24. Abbott, Chuck. Successful Farming. After Years of Shrinking, Conservation Reserve to Expand This Year.
2021.8.23. Peterson, Christine. Backpacker. Is It Finally Time for the Backpack Tax?
2021.8.18. Romo, Vanessa. NPR. EPA Will Ban a Farming Pesticide Linked to Health Problems in Children.
2021.8.12. Matz, Cody. Fox 9 KMSP. Drought Becoming Worst Minnesota Has Seen Since 1988.
2021.8.11. Looker, Dan. Successful Farming. How Soil Health Practices Boos the Bottom Line.
2021.8.10. Rosane, Olivia. EcoWatch. Neonicotinoids Harm Bees at Far Below the Label Recommended Dose, Study Finds.
2021.8.10. Russell, Adam. Texas A&M Today. Grazing Cattle Can Reduce Agriculture's Carbon Footprint.
2021.8.9. Gunderson, Dan. MPR News. New Wildlife Management Area in NW Minnesota Preserves Rare Prairie Habitat.
2021.8.9. Fish, Noah. AgWeek. Carbon Credit Market Is a Wild West, For Now.
2021.8.8. Rook, Michelle. AgWeek. Farm Bill Formation Is Only Two Years Away and Farm Group Leaders Have Ideas of What Is Important.
2021.8.4. Helzer, Chris. The Prairie Ecologist. Prairie Management Tradeoffs - Prescribed Fire.
2021.8.4. Derouin, Sarah. Eos. Roadside Ditches Are Effective at Nitrogen Removal.
2021.8.4. American Ornithological Society. Do Protected Areas Work? Long-Term Monitoring Shows Protected Areas Safeguard Bird Populations and Support Federal and State Mandates.
July 2021
2021.7.29. Harker, Julie. Brownfield Ag News. Roundup Stays for Farmers but not for Lawn/Garden Use.
2021.7.24. Korzenowski, Molly. Twin Cities Pioneer Press. Bison to Graze in Dakota County Park by Fall 2022.
2021.7.24. Cherveny, Tom. West Central Tribune. Magic on the Prairie.
2021.7.19. Michigan State University. Why Is the Eastern Monarch Butterfly Disappearing?
2021.7.14. Unglesbee, Emily. Progressive Farmer. Treated Seed Troubles.
2021.7.12. Cain, Rachel. Cannon Falls Beacon. U of M: How Effective Is Targeted Livestock Grazing?
2021.7.10. Condon, Patrick. StarTribune. New Minnesota Co-op Wants to Profit From Getting Kernza Wheat in Marketplace.
2021.7.8. Wallevand, Kevin. InForum. Rothsay's Prairie Chicken Pride Means New Life for Parade Sculpture.
2021.7.7. Mohr, Paula. The Farmer. Minnesota Ag Officials Keep Eye on Weather.
2021.7.6. Schilling, Megan. Successful Farming. Study Shows Constructed Wetlands Are Best Protection for Agricultural Runoff Into Waterways.
2021.7.4. Sisk, Amy R. The Bismarck Tribune. Conservationists Aflutter About Projects to Protect Dakota Skipper.
June 2021
2021.6.28. Farm Bureau. Over 1,000 Counties Approved for Emergency Haying and Grazing on CRP Acres.
2021.6.27. Dokken, Brad. Grand Forks Herald. Hybrids Cloud Future of North Dakota Prairie Chickens.
2021.6.26. Sanchez, Kai. Twin Cities Pioneer Press. 'These Little Butterflies Have Big Stories to Tell,' Minnesota Zoo Says in Bringing Endangered Ones to Prairies.
2021.6.25. Dokken, Brad. Grand Forks Herald. Sturgeon in the Red River Basin Show Continued Signs of Natural Reproduction.
2021.6.24. Timmons, Bob. StarTribune. Heard on Repeat: Where Are All the Bluebirds This Year?
2021.6.18. The Times Gazette. Deadline for CRP Sign-Up Is July 23.
2021.6.15. Held, Lisa. Civil Eats. Dead Bees, Sick Residents from Pesticide Pollution in Nebraska.
2021.6.10. Randall, Brianna. National Audubon Society. Cutting Trees Gives Sage-Grouse Populations a Boos, Scientist Finds.
2021.6.7. Fish, Noah. AgWeek. Conservationists Drive Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program, a Model for Other States.
2021.6.5. Bredeson, Michael. StarTribune. Life After Ethanol: Are We Prepared?
2021.6.1. Donley, Nathan. Scientific American. Pesticides Are Killing the Organisms That Keep Our Soils Healthy.
May 2021
2021.5.25. Pheasants Forever. Pheasants Forever and Partners Expand Western Minnesota Habitat Complex in Clay County.
2021.5.24. Gardiner, Steve. Republican Eagle. Working With Mother Nature: Crop Diversity, Rotational Grazing Improve Production.
2021.5.23. Anderson, Dennis. StarTribune. Citizen-Legislative Committee on Resources Still Being Steered by Politics.
2021.5.21. Morell, Virginia. National Geographic. Bumblebees Bite Plants to Make Them Flower Early, Surprising Scientists.
2021.5.17. Guiden, Peter. Friends of Nachusa Grasslands. Restoring an Entire Ecosystem.
2021.5.16. Stanley, Greg. StarTribune. New Kind of Wheat Shows Promise for Cleaning Nitrates From Soil, Water.
April 2021
2021.4.29. Cherveny, Tom. West Central Tribune. Court Says Lac qui Parle County Cannot Block Sale of Land for Conservation.
2021.4.26. Helzer, Chris. The Prairie Ecologist. The Darker Side of Tree Planting in the Great Plains.
2021.4.26. Amundson, Barry. InForum. Moorhead City Council Opts Out of Aerial Mosquito Spraying.
2021.4.22. University of Minnesota Extension. Volunteers Add Four New Species to Minnesota Bee Atlas.
2021.4.21. Giaimo, Cara. The New York Times. One of the World's Oldest Science Experiments Comes Up From the Dirt.
2021.4.19. Stanley, Greg. StarTribune. Minnesota Homeowners Planted Acres of Bee, Pollinator Habitat Through New State Program.
2021.4.16. Center for Biological Diversity. New Study: Undisclosed Inert Ingredients in Some Popular Roundup Products Found to Be Highly Toxic to Bumblebees.
2021.4.10. Rademacher, Natalie. Mankato Free Press. CREP Program Helping Restore Local Wetlands.
2021.4.5. Voth, Kathy. On Pasture. Have You Discovered the Benefits of Canada Thistle?
2021.4.4. Johnson, Michael. InForum. Spare Some Space for the Migrant Monarch.
2021.4.1. Wexler, Max. The National Wildlife Federation. News of the Wild.
2021.4.1. Shirley, Hannah. Grand Forks Herald. Oxcart Fire West of Mentor, Minn., 90% Contained.
March 2021
2021.3.30. Lindrud, Shelby. West Central Tribune. Monarch Butterfly Finds a New Friend in Kandiyohi County.
2021.3.30. Minnesota Department of Agriculture. New Study Highlights Higher Profits for Ag Water Quality Certified Farms.
2021.3.27. Sobieck, Daniel. Minot Daily News. The Promise of the Pasque Flower.
2021.3.24. Divine, Mary. West Central Tribune. Conservationists Sue to Save Habitat of Endangered Bee.
2021.3.21. Stanley, Greg. StarTribune. Minnesota Cities Seek Power to Ban Certain Pesticides Amid Pollinator Collapse.
2021.3.20. Cherveny, Tom. West Central Tribune. Taking Care of What We've Got.
2021.3.18. Hazzard, Andrew. MPR News. Rain Gardens Help Minneapolis' First 'Eco-Mosque' Control Flooding.
2021.3.17. University of Reading. Phys.org. Boosting Insect Diversity May Provide More Consistent Crop Pollination Services.
2021.3.10. Blum, Martha. AgriNews. Develop Grazing Plan to Simulate Nature.
2021.3.8. Weston, Phoebe. The Guardian. Land Could Be Worth More Left to Nature Than When Farmed, Study Finds.
2021.3.8. Starling, Marlowe. Mongabay News. In Japan, Scientists Look to the Past to Save the Future of Grasslands.
2021.3.4. Soil Health Partnership. Understanding the Impact of Conservation Tillage on Operating Expenses.
2021.3.3. Behnke, Duke. Post Crescent. No Mow May Returns to Appleton to Promote Bee-Friendly Habitat, But Council Rejects Extension Into June.
2021.3.1. Minnesota DNR Reports. Outdoor News. Preliminary Results From Pesticide Study Show Widespread Neonicotinoid Exposure in Minnesota Deer.
February 2021
2021.2.26. Jensen, Bobby, and Laura Betker. KARE 11. Grow With KARE: Winter on the Prairie.
2021.2.25. Caldwell, Wendy. Monarch Joint Venture. Eastern Monarch Population Declines 26%.
2021.2.24. Charles, Don. NPR. New Evidence Shows Fertile Soil Gone From Midwestern Farms.
2021.2.22. Nelson, Alicia Underlee. Midwest Living. Why Birding Matters - Now More Than Ever.
2021.2.18. Gewin, Virginia. Civil Eats. Can Bridging the Gap Between Landowners and Farming Tenants Help Improve Soil Health?
2021.2.17. Fountain, Henry. The New York Times. A Different Kind of Land Management: Let the Cows Stomp.
2021.2.10. Bausch, Natalina Sents. Successful Farming. CRP General Signup Extended.
2021.2.8. Knutson, Jonathan. AgWeek. Controversial, Yes, But Take Climate Change Seriously.
2021.2.8. Cherveny, Tom. West Central Tribune. Lawsuit Challenges Limbo Creek Project Authorized by Renville County.
2021.2.8. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Easement Program: Working for You and Wildlife in Western Minnesota.
2021.2.8. AP News. 50 Yellowstone Bison Transported to Montana Reservation.
2021.2.7. Reese, Kayli. Telegraph Herald. Conservation-Focused Cemetery Now Open Near Galena, Ill.
2021.2.5. Hammel, Paul. Omaha World-Herald. Ethanol Plant Near Mead Ordered to Shut Down.
2021.2.4. Baratta, Bethany. Iowa Soybean Association. Five Ways to Help Wildlife on Your Farm.
2021.2.3. Liz Stewart Center for Rural Affairs. Farm Forum. Women's Learning Circles Produce Pollinator-Friendly Education.
2021.2.3. Gunderson, Dan. MPR News. Corporations Nudge Farmers to Help the Environment.
2021.2.2. Day, Susan. University of Wisconsin-Madison News. UW-Madison Arboretum Designated a National Historic Landmark.
2021.2.2. Cherveny, Tom. West Central Tribune. Lac qui Parle County Public Land Dispute in Hands of Judge After Parties Stipulate to Facts.
2021.2.1. Schuld, Donna. Press Times. Honoring an Innovator by Bringing a Prairie to Life.
January 2021
2021.1.29. Cronin, Dana. Harvest Public Media. More Farmers Are Planting Cover Crops Thanks to State Incentive Programs.
2021.1.29. Birkeland, Mike, Ann Mulholland, and Anne Schwagerl. MinnPost. Natural Areas and Working Lands Are Key to Minnesota's Future.
2021.1.26. Nelson, Jackie. Hillsboro Free Press. Preserving the Prairies.
2021.1.24. CBS News. Nature: Winter in Minnesota.
2021.1.22. Raache, Hicham. KFOR News. Oklahoma Landowners Invited to Help Protect Northern Bobwhites & Monarch Butterflies.
2021.1.22. Arbuckle, Jr., J. Gordon. Iowa State University. Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll Shows Farmers' Beliefs on Climate Change Are Shifting.
2021.1.20. Luntz, Stephen. IFLScience. Western Monarch Butterflies on Extinction Path After Record Low Winter.
2021.1.14. Shapiro, Ariel. Forbes. America's Biggest Owner of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates.
2021.1.12. Howell, Wendy. Williams-Grand Canyon News. Agritourism Camp Approved for Garland Prairie in Williams.
2021.1.11. Helzer, Chris. The Prairie Ecologist. Is Fire Really Essential in Prairies?
2021.1.10. Gillam, Carey. The Guardian. 'There's a Red Flag Here': How an Ethanol Plant is Dangerously Polluting a US Village.
2021.1.9. Piper, Alison. Bozeman Daily Chronicle. More Montanans Turned to the Prairie in 2020.
2021.1.7. Branch, Rhiannon. Brownfield Ag News. US Drought Monitor Shows 60% of Country Lacking Moisture.
2021.1.4. Sobota, Lenore. The Pantagraph. White Bison a New Sign of Hope at Wildlife Prairie Park.
2021.1.4. Clayton, Chris. Progressive Farmer. CRP General Sign Up Begins.