about pollinators
2014. Moore, Philip A., et.al. Honey Bee Viruses, The Deadly Varroa Mite Associates
2013. Sinnathamby, Sumathy, et.al. Pollinator Decline: US Agro-Socio-Economic Impacts and Responses
2010. Huang, Zachary. Honey Bee Nutrition
2011. Spivak, Marla, et.al. The Plight of the Bees
2011. Siegel, Carol. Orchids and Hummingbirds: Sex in the Fast Lane
2014. Miller, John. TEDxUNC—No bees, no food
2014. University of Minnesota—Bee Lab. “More Than Bumble Bees”
2014. University of Minnesota—Bee Lab. “Bothered by Bees or Wasps”
2013. Monarch Joint Venture. Monarch Biology- Habitat Needs
2013. Monarch Joint Venture. Monarch Threats
2013. EOL. Observer Cards—Bees
2013. Spivak, Marla. TEDTalk- Why bees are disappearing
2012. Emergency Citizen Petition to the United States Environmental Protection Agency Seeking Suspension of Registration for Clothianidin
2011. Schwartzberg, Louie. TED2011: The hidden beauty of pollination
2008. vanEngelsdorp, Dennis. TEDTalk- A plea for bees
2005. NRCS. Native Pollinators
NAPPC. Pollinators
NAPPC. Pollinator Syndromes
Pollinator Partnership. Going Batty! Bats as Pollinators and All-Natural Pest Controllers
Pollinator Partnership. List of Pollinated Foods
2015.5. Mann, Charles C. Quest for a Superbee
2015.4.23. Cressey, Daniel. Bee studies stir up pesticide debate
2014.11.25. Wyns, Dan. Top Bar Hives
2014.11.13. Laws, Forrest. There’s more to the bee pollinator issue than many may think
2014. Pollack, Andrew. Genetic Weapon Against Insects Raises Hope and Fear in Farming
2014.10.29. Thomas, Pattie. Working the Night Shift—Bats Play an Important Role Pollinating Crops
2014.8.1. Beyond Pesticides. National Refuges to Ban GE Crops and Bee-Killing Pesticides
2014.1.29. Plumer, Brad. Monarch butterflies keep disappearing. Here’s why.
2013.11.22. Robbins, Jim. The Year the Monarch Didn’t Appear
2013.10.10. Moskowitz Grumdahl, Dara. Panic in Bloom
2013.7.25. Woody, Todd. Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
2013.5.10. Holland, Jennifer S. The Plight of the Honeybee
2013.4.22. Chance, Bradleigh. University apiary to add eight hives with new grant money, popularity
2013.2.22. Narayanan, Nayantara. Climate Change May Disrupt Monarch Butterfly Migration
2012.4. McNeil, M.E.A. Boots on the Ground
models and practice for pollinator conservation
2014. MJV. Monarch Joint Venture 2009-2014 Report
2013. Corn Dust Research Consortium. 2013 Preliminary Report and Provisional Recommendations
2013. Bee Informed Partnership. North Region Management Survey Reports 2013
2013. Bee Informed Partnership. East North Central Region Management Survey Reports 2013
2012. EPA. Ecological Effects Test Guidelines. OCSPP 850.3030: Honey Bee Toxicity of Residues on Foliage
2012. Hopwood, Jennifer, et.al. Are Neonicotinoids Killing Bees? A Review of Research into the Effects of
Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Bees, with Recommendations for Action
2012. Schweitzer, D.F., et.al. Conservation and Management of North American Bumble Bees
2011. Frazier, Jim, et.al. Pesticides and Their Involvement in Colony Collapse Disorder
2011. Hoffman Black, Scott, et. al. Rangeland Management for Pollinators
2011. Vaughan, Mace, et.al. Farming for Bees: Guidelines for Providing Native Bee Habitat on Farms
2010. Dicks L.V., et. al. Bee Conservation: Evidence for the Effects of Interventions
2010. The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Pollinator Conservation in Minnesota and Wisconsin: A
2008. USDA NRCS. Using Farm Bill Programs for Pollinator Conservation
2007. USDA CCD Steering Committee. Colony Collapse Disorder Action Plan
2014. Minnesota DNR. Pollinator Resource Values for Upland and Wetland Prairies
2014. Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship. Pollinators and Pesticide Stewardship
2013. Bryant, Russ, and Chip Euliss. Modeling Native Bee Habitat within North Dakota
2013. Pollinator Partnership and NAPPC. Selecting Plants for Pollinators: A Regional Guide for Farmers, Land
Managers, and Gardeners in the Prairie Parkland Temperate Province
2013. Euliss, “Chip.” Video: To Bee or Not to Bee
2013. The Xerces Society. Pollinator Plants of the Central United States: Native Milkweeds
2013. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Reducing Risks to Pollinators from Pest Control
2013. Environmental Protection Agency. The New EPA Bee Advisory Box
2013-2014. University of Minnesota—Bee Lab. Beekeeping Video Series
2012. The Xerces Society. Conservation Cover (327) for Pollinators: Upper Midwest Installation Guide and Job Sheet
2010. Mader, Eric, et.al. Managing Alternative Pollinators [...]
2006. African Pollinator Initiative. Pollinators and pollination: A resource book for policy and practice
The Xerces Society. Pollinator Conservation Resources--North Central Region
Monarch Joint Venture. Rearing Monarchs Responsibly
2014.12.1. Waters, Todd. Real Time Disease Load Monitoring Pollen Diversity
2014.5.23. Jones, Alex. Preliminary Results: Honey Bee Colony Losses in the United States, 2013-2014
2013.12.20. Wines, Michael. Setting the Table for a Regal Butterfly Comeback, With Milkweed
2012.9.11. Chris Helzer. Bees in a Restored Prairie Landscape- So Far, So Good
2014. Council on Environmental Quality. Supporting the Health of Honey Bees and other Pollinators
2014. Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture. Pollinator Report to the Minnesota State Legislature
2010. EPA. Memorandum on Clothianidin Registration of Prosper T400 Seed Treatment on Mustard Seed
2014. H.R. 2642. 2014 Farm Bill
2014. Minnesota House of Representatives. Minnesota is Working to Protect and Understand Pollinators: Laws Enacted Over the 2013-2014 Biennium
2014. Wohlman House Pollinator Testimony March 6, 2014
2014. North Dakota Department of Agriculture. North Dakota Pollinator Plan
2013. Minnesota HF 976—Development of Pollinator Habitat Best Management Practices and Pollinator Report
2013. Minnesota Ordinances Regarding Bees
2008. The Xerces Society. 2008 Farm Bill Benefits to Pollinators
ND Administrative Code. Chapter 4-12.2--Beekeeping
2014.10.30. Smith, Ben. Bees A Sweet Deal For North Dakota Honey Bees
2014.10.29. USDA. USDA to provide $4 million for honey bee habitat
2014.10.28. ENEWSPF. White House Delays Government-wide Action on Pollinators, Cites Chemical Dangers
2014.10.22. Gabriel, Christian. GSA Aims to Attract More Bees with Policy
2014.10.1. Valentine, Katie. 60 Members of Congress Urge EPA to Protect Pollinators
2014.6.20. Office of the Press Secretary. Fact Sheet: The Economic Challenge Posed [...]
2014.6.20. The White House. Presidential Memorandum—Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators
2014.6.20. Office of Senator Heidi Heitkamp. Heitkamp Announces Significant Funding to Support North Dakota Honey Bee Habitats
2014.6.20. Cronin, Mike. Don’t cross the pollinators: Starting July 1, they’re protected by law
2014.6.16. United States Department of the Interior. 2014 Proclamation for National Pollinator Week
2014.5.15. Gunderson, Dan. Pollinator plant labeling passes the Minnesota legislature
2014.2.25. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Agriculture Secretary announces $3 million for a new
program to improve pollinator health
regional initiatives and apiaries
2014. North Dakota Department of Agriculture. North Dakota Pollinator Plan
2014. North Dakota Department of Agriculture. Licensed Beekeepers
2014. University of Minnesota—Bee Lab. 2014-2015 Beekeeping Courses (Open to Community)
2013. Bishop, Bryan. "The Impact of Climate Change on Local Pollinators"
2011. Minnesota DNR. Native Plant Suppliers for Northwest Minnesota
University of Minnesota—Bee Lab. Plants for Minnesota Bees
2014.11. Schield, Aubrey. Concordia Magazine. Way to Bee
2014.11.12. USDA NCRS. USDA Plans to Invest $4 Million in Midwest for Conservation Work That Helps Honey Bees
2014.8.29. Associated Press. Number of Bee Colonies in North Dakota Jumps
2014.1.17. Inquistitr. Honeybees: North Dakota Plan Could Curtail Colony Collapse Disorder
2013.8. Nelson Family Farms. Nurturing Prairie Pollinators
2013.7.23. ArtPlace America. Defiant Gardens for Fargo-Moorhead
2010.4.26. Gunderson, Dan. Vigilant on the prairie, researchers log spring's earlier arrival